Melinda Ferrier

Certified KonMari Consultant, Professional Organiser

I help people who want to feel organised, to take action to declutter and sort their homes, so they can live a calmer, simpler and more joyful life.

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Cultivating a Mindset for Lasting Transformation

Decluttering your home is not just about tidying up; it's about transforming your mindset. To achieve sustainable change you need to begin from within, and so that's why we dedicate significant focus to cultivating a mindset that supports your decluttering journey. By exploring the psychology behind clutter, identifying emotional attachments, and developing a positive relationship with your possessions, you will lay a solid foundation for lasting transformation and a clutter-free lifestyle.

Embracing Mindful Decluttering and Organising Principles

The second thing you need is a framework for mindful and joyful decluttering and organising. In this program we dive deep into Mel's Method which combines the core principles of the KonMari Method with my training and experience in psychology to guide you to recognise and cherish possessions that spark joy and serve a purpose in your life. We also consider the significant impact of our emotions and past experiences. Through practical exercises and personalised guidance, you will learn to understand why you are holding on to items, and to confidently let go of items that no longer serve you, allowing your space to breathe and reflect the essence of who you are. By embracing the Mel's Method, you will experience the empowering shift towards intentional living and surround yourself only with belongings that truly bring you joy.



Mindful Living and Sustainable Systems

The third thing you need is to develop the art of organising and establishing sustainable systems. It is important that you design a personalised organising strategy that is  tailored to your unique lifestyle and needs. From optimising storage solutions to creating efficient routines, you will learn practical techniques to maintain order and keep clutter at bay. By implementing intentional and sustainable systems, you will not only enjoy an organised home but also contribute to a more mindful lifestyle.


Book a discovery call

To find out more about what I do, let's have a chat and we'll find out if my program is the right fit for you.  

*NOTE* PLEASE UPDATE YOUR TIME ZONE in the booking calendar before you book in a time.

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